Meghan French BSc MSc PCIfA

Senior Site Assistant

Meghan has been working in commercial archaeology for over 5 years across England on a range of sites from small watching briefs, evaluations, to large infrastructural excavation projects. During her undergraduate she worked at Oxford Archaeology and was able to work on a range of different sites across the East of England and took secondments with a variety of different departments within the company, primarily community outreach, Post-Excavation, Environmental and Archives. Through her time here she discovered a passion for prehistoric archaeology and zooarchaeology. This led her to pursue further education in the form of a MSc in Zooarchaeology. Her thesis titled “An examination of the ichthyological assemblages from the Late/Terminal Mesolithic sites of Tràigh an Teampuill and Pabaigh Mór South, Outer Hebrides” further solidified Meghan’s passion for Prehistoric Zooarchaeology.

In June 2020, Meghan joined AOC Archaeology York in 2020 and worked on the Dogger Bank Windfarm project and other projects until transferring to the Milton Keynes office in 2021. Here Meghan has been promoted to Senior Site Assistant taken on more responsibility onsite and in the office in both the Fieldwork and Post-Excavation departments.