Mark Littlewood

Project Officer (Consultant)


Mark has been a professional field archaeologist since 1997 after graduating from Bangor University with a BA in History with Nautical Archaeology in 1995 and then an MSc in Maritime Archaeology from the University of Southampton in 1996.

As a highly experienced field archaeologist he has worked and supervised on numerous commercial excavations and archaeological evaluations throughout the United Kingdom from nearly every period in England, Wales and Scotland.

Mark developed a specialisation in geomatics while at Oxford Archaeology and was the Geomatics Officer at the Archaeology Institute, University of the Highlands and Islands where he led and developed the geomatics and marine archaeology capacity of the Institute. He was an assistant lecturer on the undergraduate and postgraduate marine archaeology module at the Archaeology Institute and developed and delivered Nautical Archaeology Society training courses. He also undertook marine archaeology projects and wreck condition assessments and produced marine Desk Based Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Statements for a range of clients and developments types.

Mark joined AOC’s Consultancy Team in Edinburgh in 2017 and works on a variety of projects throughout Scotland and England. Mark’s research interests are in naval history and archaeology, the maritime archaeology and history of Scapa Flow and Orkney, Chinese and South-east Asian Junks and Arab dhows.

Key Publications

Christie, A., Heath, K., Littlewood, M. & Robertson, P (2016) ‘Archaeological assessment of Anti-Torpedo Close Protection Pontoons in Scapa Flow, Orkney’, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 45.1, pp 141-152

Mainland, I., Card, N., Saunders, M., Webster, C., Isaksen, L., Downes J. & Littlewood, M (2014) ‘“SmartFauna”: a microscale GIS-based multi-dimensional approach to faunal deposition at the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney’, Journal of Archaeological Science 44, pp 868-878

Pollard, E., Gibson, J., Littlewood, M., (2016) ‘Interpreting medieval to post-medieval inter-tidal features around ayres on Orkney, NE Scotland’, Journal of Maritime Archaeology 11.3, pp 299-322

Pollard, E., Robertson, P., Littlewood, M. & Geddes, G. (2014) ‘Insights from archaeological analysis and interpretation of marine data sets to inform marine cultural heritage management and planning of wave and tidal energy development for Orkney Waters and the Pentland Firth, NE Scotland’, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management 99, pp 39-51